Holiday Blues: Simple Steps to Get Your Living Space In Order in Time for Christmas

holiday setup

Now that Thanksgiving is officially here, and Black Friday is as inevitable as the morning mist, there’s no denying the yuletide season. But the holidays will surely be tested this year 2020 no doubt. With the virus still much in circulation (and getting stronger than ever), our idea of a happy Christmas seems like getting an untimely trimming.

But what the heck! It’s still Christmas, right? Just the thought of it is placing us on our toes, excited about all the possibilities of merrymaking. And we can’t deny we might have some visitors. By some magic, some friends and family may fall even with stay-at-home orders still in place. Thus, getting your house in order is paramount.

The good news is getting your house organized is as not as hard as you may think it is. Definitely, it pays to be strategic about factoring in those changes. What is good about it is you can actually enlist the whole family to get things moving. And in the process, it can be one bonding experience you’ll never forget.

Optimize Your Space like an Interior Decorator

One of the most troublesome issues people face in their living space is optimizing it. However, it doesn’t have to be that way. Even if you’re living in New York and are space-challenged, you can still come out with the upper hand. There are ingenious ways you can make the most of your limited space.

It’s interesting to know that there are people with large rooms that feel tiny. Apparently, interior decors and furniture placements play a huge role in you botching the aesthetics of a place.

Indeed, you need to take into account everything you put in your living space: the size, the placement. . This is true for both large or small spaces. But it’s a mortal sin if you don’t in a space-challenged one.

For smaller rooms, a practical step you can take is getting multipurpose furniture with awesome results. That way you don’t have to opt for the furniture separately and save space in the process.

Staying organized is also key to improving living space. Having your stuff organized properly in different parts of the house is wise. Clutter invites confusion.

A useful concept is having spaces for specific purposes. And observing these in the process. Have a space for work, learning, relaxing, and more. Its results speak for themselves. When you stick to the purpose of these spaces, you wouldn’t transfer materials from one space to another. And that is how things stay organized.

holiday living room

Clean-Up as Thoroughly as Possible

This isn’t much of a surprise. When trying to improve your living space, cleaning up is a necessity. You have to do a thorough job in cleaning up every nook and cranny. Call this your once-a-year general cleaning.

Get under the tables, sofa, beds, and other spaces that need cleaning. When you clean up your living space it gives the feeling of being spacious.

It’s important that you also clean up your kitchen, bathroom, and other spaces in the room. Look out for mold on walls and in your attic and basements. Chances are you’d find getting rid of them might not be so easy. Why? Because molds are insidious. They get into crawl spaces, inside ducts. In short, places where they’re impossible to remove.

In this regard, getting experts to do a thorough removal of mold species is wise. Know that mold is not just an aesthetic problem, but it’s also a health issue you must deal with squarely. For one, mold can be a source of allergies.

You can also opt for the painting of walls. When you paint the walls it gives your living space a new look, something to give your room life.

Up Your Lighting to Generate the Best Smiles

This coming holidays you definitely need good lighting. It’s a must. Think about how bad your selfies will look if you take pictures in a room with inadequate light. But you need to widen your horizons to get this job done.

For starters, make sure you make the most of good natural lighting in your home. To this end, you need to be careful about the placement and choice of home decor. For instance, unless you have windows that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, Victorian-style dark furniture simply won’t cut it.

Then pay attention to artificial lighting in your home. As much as you want it really bright in your living space stick to warmer lights. These lights are a joy to the heart as they give a soothing relaxed feeling. In effect, your group picture with every visitor Christmas brings would be filled to the brim with smiles and happiness.

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