Enhance Your Pandemic Lifestyle Through These Home Makeover Projects

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We have been trying our best to stay in our homes these past months. We go out only when extremely necessary. While the idea of staying home may not seem like a big deal for some, it’s the opposite for others, especially for families with several members living under the same roof.

As people spend more time at home, they realize that it may not be enough to meet the needs of the entire family. For example, instead of being just a living space, a house is now also a classroom, a workplace, a gym, a restaurant, and so on. As a result, more families are now having their homes remodeled and upgraded.

But a full-scale remodeling and upgrade can take a lot of time and money. Thus, you might consider adding a few elements to elevate the shelter-in-place lifestyle of the whole family. Here are some home improvement ideas to consider:

Install Soundproofing

During weekdays, children have online classes, and adults have to work. Both activities include video conference meetings. The walls in your home may not be enough to block out the noise between rooms or noise from the outside. Thus, both you and your children may have difficulty focusing on your tasks. Or you might not hear the people you talk to in your video meetings. Sounds from outside, such as dogs barking or vehicles passing by, may also be distracting.

You can address this issue by soundproofing your home. The most effective way to soundproof key areas in your house is to add acoustic panels on your walls. You can also use rugs and carpets to reduce ambient noise. To minimize the noise coming from the outside, you could install window coverings, which can be personalized based on your preferred size and color. Some effective noise-reduction types include roman shades and drapes.

By soundproofing your home, you give yourself and your family members more privacy. Also, a room with minimal background noise allows for better sleep and boosts productivity.

renovation process

Paint Your Walls

Being stuck at home means staring at the same walls for several months. If you’re feeling bored with what your walls look like and want something new, consider painting them.

Paint is relatively cheap, and there are many color options to choose from. But you might consider colors that are known to improve productivity and well-being. For example, you could choose cool colors such as navy blue and teal, as they are known to give a calming mood and improve focus. Or if you want something brighter, shades of red and yellow are stimulating enough to boost productivity.

Install No-touch Gadgets

The virus responsible for COVID-19 can last for several days on different surfaces. The longest is on plastic and stainless steel surfaces where the virus can survive for as long as six days. Therefore, we constantly need to clean surfaces in our houses, such as faucets and light switches, especially since we touch them a lot.

You might consider investing in no-touch gadgets to minimize contact with these surfaces. For instance, you can add no-touch faucets to your kitchen sink and the bathroom. This way, you can wash your hands without having to touch anything before and after. You can also use no-touch light switches around the house.

Of course, you will still need to clean the surfaces in your house regularly as part of observing proper hygiene at home. But limiting your contact with certain surfaces can surely help minimize health risks.

Try Growing Your Own Garden

Staying inside the house all day long for several months can be suffocating. You can go outside for a short while to grab a few groceries or go for a quick run. But most of the day, you and your family will still have to stay indoors.

If you have outside space to spare, you can try creating a little garden in your backyard. This garden may include decorative plants and flowers. You can also plant vegetables, herbs, and fruits.

This garden will give you and your family space to breathe and enjoy the sun without exposing yourself to others. And if you plant vegetables, herbs, and fruits, you get your own food source right in your backyard. A home garden also has several health benefits. Gardening and frequent exposure to plants can improve mood, relieve stress, and reduce loneliness.

Home improvement has become more of a necessity than a trend. People have been staying home for a long while, so they’re able to reflect on their home needs. But home improvement doesn’t need to be extravagant. Making a few small modifications can still help you enhance your living space and result in positive changes in your life.

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