Solve The Top Problems With Having A Small Bathroom

Small bathroom with blue cabinet

Small bathrooms can feel like a big problem, especially for a family who’s always in a hurry. So, it would feel uncomfortable if you must use a tiny bathroom for several years in your life.

So, stressing over your small problems won’t do you any good. To help you take your modest bathroom to the next level, here are a few of the most common small bathroom problems and a few hacks to make it feel bigger.

Tiny footprint

One of the biggest struggles with having a modest bathroom is limited floor space. Having a small footprint gives you barely any room to move around. Although there is no chance to renovate your kitchen completely, there is a way to make it look bigger. Houzz Magazine says that you can create an illusion of having more space by freeing up the bathroom’s floor area. You can do it by choosing wall-hung sinks to give way to more floor space. You can also select toilets that hang above the ground, so you’ll feel airier. Meanwhile, you can request a cabinet maker in Utah to create a versatile storage cabinet for keeping your baskets underneath the sink.

Awkward spaces

Awkward spaces in the bathroom is also a problem for some homeowners. But you can take the opportunity to let your creativity shine through. You can use your creativity through your design to ensure that it’ll fit right into the awkward space.

Although it’ll be challenging, you can have fun with it as you try to use every centimeter of the area. You can even add a mirror that fits into the space to make it seem more significant.

Lack of space in the bathroom

Small outdated bathroomAnother problem with tiny bathrooms is the lack of space for the shower. It’s challenging to have a separate shower and a bath. That’s why you need to be smart when placing these items inside such a limited space.

One way to do it is by installing a shower head next to the bath. You can neatly divide the area by placing a screen between your shower and the rest of the room. Another way is to place a transparent glass to give it a nice touch. You can also make your fittings stand out by turning an over-bath spray into a chic statement for your bathroom.

No natural light

Lack of access to natural light can impact the entire look of your bathroom. Fortunately, you can install some fantastic LED lights to fill your room with super bright lights. Don’t forget to include mirrors so you can maximize the light in the entire room, too.

Having a small bathroom shouldn’t limit you from designing it and making it your own. That small space is not a restriction, but an opportunity. It should serve as a challenge to push your design ideas to the next level and test your creativity as a person. So, try to check out a few magazines or watch a few videos to inspire you from designing your own tiny space.

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