Interior Design

couple choosing a tile color

Colours in Your Space: Choosing the Perfect Colour Scheme for Your Home

Many new homeowners seek decor inspiration from magazines and social media sites like Pinterest and Instagram. These images often come amateur and professional designers, offering ideas that would suit diverse tastes and lifestyles. But, while it’s helpful to find inspiration online, sometimes the best source of inspiration is yourself. You could consider your favourite pieces

Colours in Your Space: Choosing the Perfect Colour Scheme for Your Home Read More


Make Sure Your Stairs are Safe

There are plenty of hazards around us. At home, we face the risk of tripping, slipping and falling down the stairs, which would usually lead to bumps and bruises. Sometimes, a tumble down the stairs can lead to far more serious injuries, such as concussions and broken bones. Fortunately, it does not take much to

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We believe that every house has the potential to become a dream home. Our mission is to provide homeowners, renovation enthusiasts, house flippers, and those in the rental business with a wealth of inspiration, expert tips, and practical advice.

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