Living in the Tornado Alley: How to Survive the Peak Tornado Season


The Tornado Alley is made up of northern Texas, Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma. These areas have the most number of tornado visits in a year. There is also the Dixie Alley, which is the pathway of southeast tornadoes. Unlike the Tornado Alley, the Dixie Alley has fewer—but possibly stronger and longer—tornadoes.

While other places are enjoying their outdoor parties and vacations during summer, people living in these areas cannot let their guard down and relax. Why? Precisely because summer is also the peak season for tornadoes. These storms can be fierce and devastating, so it is a must for every family to prepare and be ready in case a raging tornado makes an appearance any time.

Residents of the Tornado Alley have learned to be prepared for tornadoes and be safe from potential damage and injury. Here’s how they do it.

Understand Tornado Terminology

Tornadoes are classified with the Enhanced Fujita Scale ranging from a weak EF-0 to a catastrophic EF-5s. Tornadoes are scaled according to their wind speed and expected damage to specific types of buildings and crops.

During peak tornado season, always be updated with an emergency warning and monitor the news. Nothing beats the information from the local weather forecasters because they are familiar with the meteorological history, the unique characteristics of the place they cover and the topography. Most forecasters today can give a few days “heads up” for potential tornadic weather.

It is also advisable to keep a battery-operated radio at home. This can be programmed for your location and can still be used during a power outage. Know if the neighborhood has tornado alert sirens and learn what each warning sound mean.

There are areas with different signals for different situations. They are installed to warn people who are outdoors about the impending weather condition and sometimes they are not heard when inside the house.

Stay Safe and Always Be Prepared

The number one rule in staying safe during a raging tornado is to find a shelter or basement and stay there until the worst has passed. People who have lived their lives in the Tornado Alley are used to experiencing the fiercest storms and have built homes with basements that can shelter them from any eventuality.

There are also mobile phone apps that give warnings and updates for approaching storm days or hours before it hits. These warnings can be customized based on your current location and the frequency of updates you prefer.

Weather apps offer warning signals for more than one location, so you can get alerts for all addresses including the home, work or child’s school location. This is particularly helpful if your work requires you to travel away from home. This way, you’ll know what’s happening even if you’re on a trip.

Be Ready for Cleanup and Repair

house under renovation

The odds of having a twister hitting your home are quite slim even if you are living in a tornado prone area. But it can happen, so it’s best to be prepared. Most people in the area have home and property insurances to cover for any damages that may happen. Some home builders and repair crew put in new wood floor installation in Kansas City after a tornado hits.

The community works together to clean up debris, fallen trees, and help other families get back on their feet after the storm. It’s a tough life, but it’s something that residents of the Tornado Alley have learned to live with and adjust to all their life.

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